FSA is accepting applications 2025-2026 school year.
Please see the Admissions Timeline for all important dates.
Application Checklist
Here is everything you need to apply for admission to FSA.
- Applications may be picked up in person from the guard's desk at SI's main entrance, or downloaded (links above)
- The application includes a teacher observation form that must be filled out by the student's current fifth grade teacher and submitted to FSA by the application deadline.
- A copy of the student's birth certificate
- Current immunization record
- Most recent fourth and fifth grade report cards
- Most recent standardized test (the fourth grade Smarter Balance Assessment is acceptable)
- A recent photo of the student and a recent family photo
- Family financial aid information form, included with the application
- 2023 Federal Tax Return (Form 1040) and 2024 W2 Forms, or 2024 Tax Return. If Federal Income taxes were not filed, please submit any of the following documentation of benefits you receive:
- CalWorks (AFDC) (2024)
- Social Security or foster care benefits
- Unemployment, disability, or retirement benefits (2024)
- Workers compensation (2023, 2024)
- Notification for approval for free or reduced lunch
Financial Assistance
You must fill out FSA's financial aid information form and include it with your FSA application. All applicants to FSA must also complete an online financial assistance application through the TADS system, linked below. SI and FSA's school ID for TADS is: AF514360000.
Apply on TADS - English
Financial aid worksheet - English
Solicitud de beca en TADS - Español
Hoja de trabajo de beca - Español